Simple idea on handling your Money

I just want to share this very simple and common sense idea explained by Francisco Colayco during his interview with Boy Abunda on Private Conversation. We as an employee who are striving to work everyday to be able for us to compensate our daily needs and other expenses should learn how to pay ourself first. Why think of buying expensive stuffs that will not give us a value? Most of us think of spending our hard-earned money to something that we think will give us an unnecessary pleasure. We often think of buying things even before we receive our salary. It's not bad to spoil ourself with expensive things but being conscious on where we put our money is the most important mindset that we should develop. Cited by Bill FitzPatrick the founder of the American Success Institute, "Separate your wants from your needs. You want to work for all you need, not necessarily for all you want. You do not have to sentence yourself to a lifetime of hard labor for the false trappings of status. Living on less can eventually yield much more. The simpler you make your life, the easier it will be to maintain. Think in terms of moderation. It is easier to buy things than to sell them. You can make a comfortable life for yourself by finding contentment in the things you already have and holding reasonable expectations."
I agree with that statement of Bill FitzPatrick. Now, let's get more into reality check, some of us are still young and capable to work hard to earn more money; some are now thinking of their retirement and health insurance plans. These two simple scenarios will not just happen to one person but to everyone. That scenario will repeat over and over again and will pass through our next generations. Basically, in life, young people turns to old. Avoiding ourselves to prepare for the future because we believe that we are still young is not a good mindset. That is why many people end up broke and realize their mistakes when they get old. They start blaming the circumstances of their misfortune. Why? you already know the answer. Absolutely, because they have already failed in their past and nothing to do now but to blame. That's the only thing they can do at their age. Handling our hard-earned money is quiet simple as long as we have a clear view of our goals.